While brewskival goes mangoes, we look back at capping bottles by hand. – Weekly Update

This weekend we’re spending some time with Brewski and a host of other fantastic breweries at Brewskival. Brewski’s first, but certainly not the last, beer festival in Helsingborg, Sweden.
After kegging the whole batch of ”Sour Berry Quite Contrary” last week, we decided it was a good beer to take along to the festival, plus then we had a surprise in store for Marcus from Brewski. Our IPA ”Hip Hops” that got Mangoed. We added copious amounts of Mango to a small batch of Hip Hops specifically for this festival in honour of Brewski’s great Double IPA ”Mango Feber”.
We hope everyone that gets to taste it is suitably impressed 🙂
Capping bottles by hand. One by one 🙂
There was a time, not so long ago where we capped bottles by hand. Yes that’s right. One by one by one.
I knew there was a reason we did more beer in kegs.
Doing everything by hand did teach us to appreciate our bottling line, and now also our canning line. More beer out, in less time. What I personally miss though, is the mark on the cap left by the capping machine.
But these things happen when you’re growing and expanding.
Hand capping device.
When we brewed as homebrewers we had an even simpler device, so getting hold of this ”red beast” was a major upgrade. We could do double as many bottles, plus not have the strain on our hands.
This capping machine was part of our initial ”bottling line”, made up of three people standing in a row. One filling the beer bottles, the second capping the bottles and the third packing and closing the boxes.
If we had the luxury of an extra person, then they usually made up extra boxes and fetched coffee. If we only had two people in the line, it was a very long day indeed.
You could see which caps came from Beerbliotek.
What is your choice of beer in a can?
Cans are starting to show up more and more in pubs and restaurants and bottles shops across Europe. We currently have four beers available in cans, but are planning to do more in cans, but not stop bottles altogether.
Buying pre-printed cans comes with it’s own challenges. Minimum orders are usually around 50 000. That’s why we’re doing shorter runs and smaller batches in cans soon. We’ll label them ourselves, and although it won’t have the same feeling as a pre-printed can, it does allow us to get more different beers into the market.
So if we may ask you a question, which beer do you prefer in a can, or which beer would you like to see in a can?
Tell us what you’d choose.
Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.
That’s it for this week. We hope you’ve enjoyed the brewery update and the look back at how it was when we started out.
Keep well and keep drinking craft beer.
If you’d like to get hold of the same Beer T-Shirt Henrik is wearing then you’d need to get to our webshop soon. We have limited stocks available.
But fear not, we’re releasing our new merchandise range soon, so keep watching this space.
All in Beer Festival 4-5 November 2016
One of our favourite festivals is the All In Beer Fest. The reason? It’s just about beer.
We’ll be attending again this year, but if you’d like to attend, then there’s two ways to go about it. Buy a ticket, or enter our #FreshestCanInTheLand competition, where you stand the chance to win two entrance tickets.
Finding our beers in Sweden
Folköl (Low ABV Beers)
Visit our Folköl page if you’d like to find out which Stores & Supermarkets, such as ICA & Hemköp stock our low ABV or “folköl” across Sweden.
Have a look at our Systembolaget page, where you’ll find a map that features the stores that have our beers on their shelves. If you live in other parts of Sweden, then you can follow this link to order the beers directly from Systembolaget.se to your closest store.
You can also follow us on Instagram