What does Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, Scotland and Spain all have in common? – Biweekly Brewery Update

This week is all about collaborations in multiple countries and with breweries from multiple countries, travelling and our biggest Tap Takeover ever.
Belgium Collaboration with L’Ermitage.
They sounded French to us.
Last week our friends from L’Ermitage in Belgian visited us, right after spending a week with our Irish mates from Whiplash. L’Ermitage is a nano brewery from Brussels, and they really make great beers. As with Whiplash, we brewed a Berliner Weisse, but this one is black. We will add some coffee into the fermentation in the next week or so, after dumping a lot of Raspberries into the beer on day two of the collaboration brew day.
We had a great night with them out in Gothenburg at Brewers Beer Bar, talking about what we want to name the beer and there was a lot of laughs. As is usually the case when we come up with names whilst drinking beer.
We’ve settled on the name, and the design, now it’s just to get it done. We’ll share more news in the coming weeks. But it will be released at our Brewery Tap Room first, that you can be sure of.
Irish Collaboration #2 with Whiplash.
I can’t undrink the things I’ve drunk.
Our second collaboration with our Irish mates from Whiplash is a calmer affair, we think. Our first collaboration, which we brewed in Dublin, was a Fig & Rye Belgian Quadruple, at a very ”easy drinking” 8%
Our second collaboration is a Berliner Weisse, with Potato and Spruce tips. Yes that wasn’t a typo, it’s got Potato and Spruce Tips, and will end on around 4%
The time we spent with these guys was great, it also included a tap takeover at Brewers Beer Bar, where we indulged in their superb 2,8% Northern Lights. One of the best beers we’ve had all year, or if you ask anyone who attended the night. Great stuff, we wished we brewed it.
This latest Berliner Weisse is in line for packaging in two weeks or so, and will be available at our Brewery Tap Room first, as always 🙂
Spanish collaboration Hacerse el Sueco.
Released at our Brewery Tap Room this weekend.
Since opening our Brewery Tap Room 18 months ago, we’ve had great interaction with not just the Swedish public, but a lot of tourists that have made it across the waters for a visit.
We always use our Tap Room to launch new beers. We always have new beers. And our Tap Room is open every second weekend, so it works out well. You can never miss a weekend, cause then you’ll miss a new beer.
This coming weekend, we’re releasing our second collaboration with Naparbier, this one brewed at our Kungssten Brewery. It’s a week old, so this Farmhouse IPA is fresh, fresh, fresh. Come by and try it, we’re sure you won’t be disappointed.
Maybe the last batch?
Du luktar lite som första gången jag träffade dig.
We like brewing new beer. We’ve just brewed our 217th. That means some other beers we love need to make place and space on the shelf for something new. This Double IPA, our 7th with a Swedish name, has been with us since October 2017, and sold really well at the Swedish Monopoly, and on export, but we feel it is time to move on. We loved brewing it, and we will have fond memories of it, the design and the name.
Yesterday we packaged, what we think was the last batch we will brew of this beer. In Sweden it makes way at Systembolaget for a proper summer beer Götebrogswits, our Witbier collaboration with Odd Island Brewing, we first brewed in 2017.
Hello Copenhagen.
Our biggest Tap Takeover to date is heading to Bootleggers.
On the 9th of May we will be in Copenhagen. Henrik & Richard will be at our largest Tap Takeover yet. We are taking over all 20 taps at Bootleggers, with some of our known beers, some very special Barrel Aged Beers and some new sours from our Sockerbruket Sour Brewery. We’ll be available from 18h30 to answer any questions you have or just enjoy a beer with us. Looking forward to seeing you all.
Here’s a link to the Facebook Event, where there’s also a full list of the beers.
Hello Scotland.
Richard is heading your way with some beer.
Richard is one of our founders, and along with Adam one of our head brewers. Originally from New Zealand, he’s been living in Sweden for the past 12 or so years, and started writing the idea behind Beerbliotek around 3 years before we actually started the brewery.
He’s heading across to Glasgow for a collaboration with Fallen Brewing and they’re also planning an event with our distributor at Shilling Brewing Company on the 17th of May. He’s bringing a lot of new beers across, so don’t miss out. He’s a classy guy, so if you see him in the pub, say hi.
The Netherlands collaboration with Kaapse Brouwers.
Bertil is getting some finishing touches.
Two weeks ago we wrote about our collaboration with our friends from Kaapse Brouwers. It just got a few finishing touches of red & green peppercorns to balance the fish skins, then it will continue bubbling away in a tank in Rotterdam.
Bertil will be ready soon, so stay tuned.
Hello Sweden.
Even more beers at Systembolaget.
This melon Witbier was first brewed at a small scale at our friends Odd Island, then we had the beer on tap at our brewery, whilst we had an open brew day, brewing the same beer at our Kungssten Brewery.
That allowed everyone to taste the beer that they watched being brewed. Yes we’re complicated like that.
This year we decided to release it at the Swedish Monopoly Systembolaget, and the date is July 1. It will go in as our standard assortment, so you don’t have to fear it will disappear. We’ve just brewed another batch, so there’s be enough. It will also head out the door to our export markets.
The name celebrates the Gothenburg Humour, which is why is has that corny joke on the label. Perfect.
That’s not how anagrams work, mate.
Thank you to everyone that bought this beer so far since it launched on May the 2nd. It’s a really great beer for summer, and suits the Swedish Herring, we will all eat over Midsummer, really well.
It is in limited supply, as we only produced 10,000 cans, so you do not want to miss out.
And finally.
Our Brewery Tap Room is opening its Outdoor Serving Area this weekend.
Every time we open our Tap Room, we try and have something for everyone. And that’s no different this time around.
We’ll be opening the doors to our Brewery Tap Room on Friday 17-21 and Saturday 14-19. There’ll be ten beers available to drink on site, and three low ABV (Folköl) beers to buy as takeaway. Beers coast 35kr each, or get yourself a ten-card for 320kr. Come by and say hi.
Cheers, until next time.
The Beerbliotek Team
Get hold of our beers.
Visit our Systembolaget page, to see the entire range. All of them can be bought can buy in-store at certain stores, or you can order them to your closest store via Systembolaget.se.
[button size=”medium” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” font_style=”normal” font_weight=”700″ text_align=”center” text=”Go to Systembolaget” link=”https://www.systembolaget.se/sok-dryck/?searchquery=beerbliotek” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e73be” background_color=”#1e73be” hover_background_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#1e73be” hover_border_color=”#1e73be” border_radius=”5″]
Folköl (Low ABV Beers)
[button size=”medium” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” font_style=”normal” font_weight=”700″ text_align=”center” text=”Read more” link=”/folkol” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e73be” background_color=”#1e73be” hover_background_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#1e73be” hover_border_color=”#1e73be” border_radius=”5″]
Have a look at the beers from our Standard Assortment, or the new beers from our Special Assortment.
If you’d like to get hold of our beers from the distributors, then get in touch, and we’ll link them up with you. If you’re keen to distribute our beer in your country, then get in touch, and we can discuss possibilities with you.
You can follow us on Instagram