We’re ending the GBG Beer Week at our hometown festival the Gothenburg Beer and Whisky Festival

This week we’re ending off the Gothenburg Beer Week with our hometown festival. The Gothenburg Beer and Whisky Festival. Just got to the festival myself, and it’s packed. Really looking forward to seeing how things go. The beers we have with us are ”A Passion for Gingers”, ”Bobek Citra”, ”Black IPA”, ”Eternal Darkness”, ”Golden Sour”, ”Hip Hops”, ”Pilsner One-O-One”, ”Single Hop Citra”, ”Single Hops Mosaic” and two new beers ”Sour Berry Quite Contrary” and ”What’s Better than roses on your piano?”
We’re also very proud of the two bronze medals we’ve won. One for ”Hip Hops” in the IPA category, and the other for ”Sour Berry Quite Contrary”. ”Hip Hops” seemed to just get better since it’s available in the can, but we’re very proud of ”Sour Berry Quite Contrary”, which is our first attempt at a sour beer. It will go onto tap sometime over this weekend, so we hope you like it, for those lucky enough to be here in Gothenburg at the festival.
Thank you to everyone who joined our Ska Party, together with Ska Brewing. We’re glad you liked the music and the food, but especially that you loved the beer.
See you all again soon. The next party is in the early planning stages.
Thanks to those we met during our Beer Makers Dinner and Brunch. We enjoyed the food, the beer and especially the company.
Have a look below to see the next two festivals we’ll be attending this year, then book your tickets early and come and say hi.
Have a great weekend.
As we’re moving into summer here in Sweden or the northern hemisphere to be more exact, we’re expecting cans to be great travel companions, great in a park or great on a boat. Why not tag your photos with #BeerbliotekCans, so we can follow your can beer drinking summer vacation.
On Instagram @chroniquedebeers and @lagersbira has started tagging our cans.
Upcoming Festivals
Gothenburg Beer and Whisky Festival on the 22nd – 23rd of April
This year we’ll again be visiting our home town festival, the Gothenburg Beer and Whisky Festival. We’ll have a bigger stand, and bring more beer. This year we’ll also be bringing our new cans with us, as well as one or two surprise beers that our home town fans get to drink first. Hope we see you there.
For more information on the festival and getting hold of your tickets, have a look at their website.
Kalmar Beer Festival on the 6th – 7th May
Kalmar Beer Festival is also on our list for festivals this year, so we hope we see you there.
For more information on the festival and getting hold of your tickets, have a look at their website.
Copenhagen Beer Celebration 13-14 May 2016
Joining us this year at the Copenhagen Beer Celebration, on the 13th and 14th of May are the following breweries. Alefarm Brewing, Det Lille Bryggeri, Ghost Brewing, Dry & Bitter Brewing Company, Flying Couch Brewing, ALL IN BREWING, Hyllie Bryggeri, Poppels Bryggeri, Stockholm Brewing Co., Haandbryggeriet, 7 Fjell Bryggeri, Sundbytunet and Kinn Bryggeri.
The beers we’re taking with us are still in the works and they will be announced closer to the time. So watch this space. For more information, follow CBC on Facebook, or get hold of your tickets here, as there’s still some available for some sessions, then we’ll see you in Copenhagen.
Finding all our beers at Systembolaget.
In the navigation you can click on the Systembolaget link. There you can have a look at a map, where we feature the stores that will have our beers on their shelves. If you live in other parts of Sweden, then you can follow this link to order the beers directly from Systembolaget.se.
Looking for low alcohol beers? Or as we say in Sweden Folköl.
In the navigation you can click on the Folköl link. There you can have a look at a map, that shows all the Stores & Supermarkets, including ICA & Hemköp that already stock our “folköl” across Sweden.
You can also follow us on Instagram