Oscar Sommerfors, the sales guy

This week we’re catching up with Oscar Sommerfors, our new sales guy who is the latest addition to our brewery. We don’t know too much about Oscar yet, considering he only joined us a couple of months ago. It’s hard to get to know him as he spends most of his time out of the office gallivanting through Sweden introducing himself, getting to know our Swedish customers and doing what he does best, selling beer.
We do know that he is Swedish, from a place not too far from Gothenburg, called Kungsbacka, and that he loves beer and knows how to sell it. In good beerbliotek fashion, we of course already have a nickname for him, but we’ll tell you about that in a bit. So, let’s get to know Oscar, our new sales guy.
Hej! Hej! So Oscar, what is your role at Beerbliotek?
I’m a Sales Representative. Right now my market is all over Sweden, but I’ll be getting some help in a month. In the future I will be focusing more on Southern Sweden, Eastern Sweden and Stockholm, as I won’t be in charge of the Gothenburg area, that will be the other Oskar, the soon to be other salesman. Ah yes, that is why we call you “oscar-with-a-c-@beerbliotek.com”

What were you up to before?
I’ve been working in restaurants since I was 18, then I ran my own place for three years, Food Lab by Tildas, on Hisingen. After that I started working in Sales. I sold Telecom for a while, then I sold advertisements and some other stuff.
What led you towards working in the Craft Beer industry?
I developed an interest in Craft Beer when I started working in bars. From there my interest in beer grew, it grew so big that it became a passion and turned into something that I wanted to work with. So I decided to get an education in sales, at IHM Business School in Malmö, because I wanted to work with beer.
Is there a beer that stood out to you in the early stages of your Craft beer journey?
Yeah, Mori Red Ale by Ölvisholt Brewery, from Iceland. It was one of the first beers I served at beer bars. I found the Red Ale style very interesting. So I like that we recently brewed a Red IPA, Back to the middle and ‘round again.

Where did you hear about Beerbliotek for the first time?
When I did an internship in Stockholm at Brewery International Sweden AB. I ran into Henke, the previous Beerblitoek Sales Representative, at a beer festival who introduced me to Beerbliotek. He was also the one who put me forward for this job! We love Sally the Salesman too.
What do you think is the future for Craft Beer in Sweden?
Right now we mainly have Swedish beers available on the Swedish market as the Swedish Craft Beer industry is so developed, which is great, but I think we will start exporting and importing more from other countries, not just Belgian or the US. Hopefully we’ll get more interesting stuff from other small breweries and countries.

Lastly, when you’re not dreaming about beer, what are you dreaming about?
Being happy. I want to live a simple life.
If you want to try our Red IPA that Oscar likes, Back to the middle and ‘round again, you can check it out in Sweden here at Systembolaget.