Majornas Bryggeri

This week we are shining the light on Majornas Bryggeri, a small, Swedish brewery with a passion for the culture and community in Craft Beer which led them to the opening of Gothenburg’s first Brewpub. As of last weekend their brewery pub is now one year old. So on their one year anniversary, we met up with Johan Lundin to share our love of Gothenburg’s diverse beer culture, their idea behind introducing a brewpub to Sweden, and of course Supporting your locals.

Majornas Bryggeri started as a group of homebrewers in a borrowed basement in Majorna with a vision to spread their love of Craft Beer to their local community. Today they are doing just that. They are a small, passionate and determined team of 5 with lots of brewing and restaurant knowledge on their side. From being one of the smallest commercial breweries in Sweden, they decided to transform their small-scale brewery into a hybrid of a brewery and restaurant, the first of its kind in the centre of Majorna.
Brewing and reaching out to two audiences was their main goal which grew into the foundation of introducing the first brewpub to Gothenburg. They are very focused on the locals of Majorna, who are not necessarily interested in Craft beer, but are curious to learn more about it. And of course for those who already love Craft Beer and supporting local breweries.
“Starting a Brewpub is not a new concept to the rest of the world, however, there are so many breweries here in Gothenburg and so much culture, it just made sense” – Johan Lundin, Co-founder & Head Brewer
Hej Johan, thanks for your time.
How do you decide on the beers you are going to make?
We brew what we think is good and think that others can also appreciate. Several varieties are always available in the regular range. We like to try new things and we aim to combine our different tastes and perspectives in the brewery team, so it’s diverse. We also brew unique beers for some selected restaurants in Gothenburg. Although right now it is a tough time, and as we are growing in popularity, it gets harder to meet the demands as we are a small scale craft brewery.
What beers do you sell at your brewpub?
We have a mix of our own and local Gothenburg Craft beer. All the taps and all the beers in the fridges are Swedish Craft Beer from Gothenburg. It’s important for us to support the locals.
Do you have a favorite beerbliotek beer?
Ah, that is hard as there are so many! I live here in Majorna, so as you’re my neighbour I’ve tried most of them. Right now we have Alone in a field of plenty on draft, 1 out of the 5 kegs you made of it, so that is special and selling really well.
Do you have plans to export?
We did, but everything is unsure right now. When the pandemic started we thought breweries were going to close down, luckily we haven’t seen that yet. We were saved by Sweden not going into lockdown. We wouldn’t have made it if not.
How are you doing in these tough times?
Running both a brewery and restaurant these days is not easy. Especially as we expanded just before the pandemic.
How can people support you?
Visiting us at Majornas Bryggeri and buying our beer at Systembolaget, or other places in the Gothenburg Craft Beer community while supporting the local bars and restaurants.
If you want to come by here, we also have take-away on food and folk beer for those who cannot or want to be in place. Beer tastings and brewery tours are also available.

Help us strengthen the beer culture in Sweden, by safely supporting the restaurants and taverns that actively support Swedish craft breweries.
Opening hours
Wednesday – Friday: 16:00 – 22:00 and Saturday: 15:00 – 22:00
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