In this week’s biweekly brewery update, it’s all about 10000 cans of Black Ale Chilli.

In this week’s biweekly Brewery Update we talk about Black Ale Chilli and the 10000 cans we will release on 16 February at Systembolaget, as well as our barrel project amongst other things.
Hello Sweden.
10 000 cans of Black Ale Chilli is heading your way.
On the 19th of February 2013, we brewed our very first beer. It was a Black Ale with Chilli. Since those days the label has changed twice, and the last three batches have all gone into cans.
It’s one of our favourite beers, and we don’t brew it all the time, but it makes a comeback right about when we miss it the most. Like now, for our fifth birthday celebration in a week’s time.
The best news for Sweden is that we are releasing 10 000 cans of this beer at their favourite Swedish Liquor Store this coming Friday 16 February. Yes, just 10 000 cans. The rest of the beer is in kegs and heading for export. There was only three batches brewed this time around for the release.
For those that have never tasted it, we hope you it’ll be a new favourite. For those that are longing to taste it again, we hope you get your hands on a can or a glass again. If you’re in Gothenburg, we’re releasing it this weekend at the Brewery Tap Room, so there should be enough to go around. Let us know what you think.
And more barrels.
Our barrel project is coming along nicely. We have a lot of Cognac barrels filled with Donker och Deadly our collaboration with Brouwerij De Molen. There’s our award winning Eternal Darkness Imperial Stout in Whiskey barrels. In January we also brewed a yet to be named Barley Wine and also put it into Whiskey barrels. And then there’s two Rum barrels with our Oat Stout Still not found what you’re looking for?
There’s no news yet on the release dates. Now we just play the waiting game and see how they turn out. Stay tuned to find out first.
Congratulation to our local bakery.
The best Semla in Gothenburg.
Our local brewery Sannas Kondotori & Baggeri has just won the competition for Gothenburg City’s best Semla. If you’re not Swedish, and a bit confused as to what all the fuss is about, then it’s best to read this article first.
Be that as it may, they have made this year’s Semla with our Spiced Porter Christmas Nights, and our Double IPA Du luktar lite some första gången jag träffade dig. And is seems to have been a hit, what with TV and Radio interviews following the magazines & Newspaper articles.
Congratulations. Now on to the next collaboration.
Omnipollo & Co.
And not to move away from the topic of Beer and Semla. Our collaboration with Omnipollo and a host of other breweries have now hit the market, and it seems it was another hit by Omnipollo. Serious good times. Thanks for inviting us to the collaboration.
In Other News.
Busting Up the Brotherhood of Beer: Time to confront sexism & harassment in the industry.

Last April, the Brewers Association announced that it would no longer publicize medals won by beers with sexist names or labels. From now on, beers like Thong Remover, PD (Panty Dropper), and Pearl Necklace could win in competition, but the win would not be published.
– Sarah Huska” show_quote_icon=”yes”]
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Our Brewers.
Tasting the minds of their peers.
In the last five years we’ve brewed more than 200 beers. Our brewers’ inspirations and opinions are diverse. When working on recipe development they like to taste the minds of their peers from around the world. Here’s selection of beers from the last tasting.
And finally.
Our new cans of A Moment of Clarity have been packaged.
This week it is all about Black Ale Chilli. However, that doesn’t hide our excitement when our brand spanking new A Moment of Clarity cans arrived at the brewery this week. We just packaged seven pallets of this beer ready to be shipped to our central warehouse, and then off to Systembolaget in Sweden. You see we have a big release coming up on the 1st of March, but more on that next time.
Just a reminder, our Tap Room is open this weekend again. We will release Black Ale Chilli there over the weekend, and celebrate our 5th birthday.
That’s it from us for this week.
Keep well
The Beerbliotek Team
Get hold of our beers.
Visit our Systembolaget page, to see the entire range. All of them can be bought can buy in-store at certain stores, or you can order them to your closest store via
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Folköl (Low ABV Beers)
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Have a look at the beers from our Standard Assortment, or the new beers from our Special Assortment.
If you’d like to get hold of our beers from the distributors, then get in touch, and we’ll link them up with you. If you’re keen to distribute our beer in your country, then get in touch, and we can discuss possibilities with you.
You can follow us on Instagram