Hip Hops & Bobek Citra get some more awards, all the while Adam brews some beer Down Under – Weekly Brewery Update

Good times.
This weekend we heard news from the Helsinki Beer Festival that two of our beers have won awards, Adam is in Australia on holiday, and managed to squeeze in a brew day with our friends at Moon Dog, and our latest beer at Systembolaget sold out in a few days, so we have urgently shipped some more.
Some more awards 🙂 This time from the Helsinki Beer Festival 2017.
It’s always great news when you hear your beer has won an award. It’s even better news when two of them have done it. We’ve been at the Helsinki Beer Festival this past weekend, and that’s where Bobek Citra, our American Pale Ale, walked away with Gold in the American Pale Ale section. Hip Hops, our standard IPA walked away with Silver in the Ales under 6,0% category.
This follows up on the two awards we won during the Gothenburg Beer and Whisky Fair. So far 2017 is looking great, and we’ve got a lot of festivals to go to this year, and a lot of them are international festivals. #goodtimes
Both beers are available at Systembolaget in Sweden, and you can order them here.
Sold out. But we’ve shipped more 🙂
On Tuesday we released Not Guilty! The Juice IPA at Systembolaget in Sweden. This was our collaboration with Norwegian Brewery Cervisiam. It sold out in two days, and we had to scramble to get more shipped. It was a bit of a misjudgement from the stores, but hopefully all the orders will be fulfilled, so that you can taste the beer.
The beer has also gone through a name change after discussions with Systembolaget. The first name was Not Guilty! The OJ IPA. But was change to Not Guilty! The Juice IPA, as to not offend any people 😉
They did however make a mistake an launched it themselves with the incorrect name. That will be rectified over the next few weeks, so if you’re looking for it, just search for NOT GUILTY, and it should pop up. Or just order it by clicking the little orange button below 🙂
[button size=”medium” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” font_weight=”700″ text_align=”center” text=”Order Now” link=”https://www.systembolaget.se/delat?items=3162315:1″ color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#dd9933″ background_color=”#dd9933″ hover_background_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#dd9933″ hover_border_color=”#dd9933″ border_radius=”10″]
Hello World. Brewing Down Under.
Adam, one of our head brewers, is currently on holiday in Australia, and managed to squeeze in a brew day with our friends at Moon Dog Brewing. It’s also the 54th collaboration we’ve done since we started.
The style and labels and all of that will be released soon. We’re just hoping we get to taste it back home.
And finally
This past Friday we also packaged Göteborgswits, out collaboration Witbier, with our friends at Odd Island Brewing. It was first brewed in a smaller scale at their brewery, and released at our brewery during our open brew, which formed part of the GBG Beer Week 2017. Now it’s in cans and will ship off next week sometime.
It’s not joining our Systembolaget Assortment for now, but it might make a great addition later on in the year.
That’s it from us for this week. Until next week.
Finding our beers in Sweden.
Visit our Systembolaget page, to see the entire range. All of them can be bought can buy in-store at certain stores, or you can order them to your closest store via Systembolaget.se.
[button size=”medium” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” font_style=”normal” font_weight=”700″ text_align=”center” text=”Read more” link=”https://www.systembolaget.se/sok-dryck/?searchquery=beerbliotek” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#81d742″ background_color=”#81d742″ hover_background_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#81d742″ hover_border_color=”#81d742″ border_radius=”5″]
Folköl (Low ABV Beers)
On our Folköl page you can see our entire assortment, as well as the Stores & Supermarkets, such as ICA & Hemköp that stock them across Sweden. When our Tap Room is open every second weekend, you can also come past to buy them directly from us. We always have a 4-pack or 6-pack available.
Getting hold of our beers Internationally
At the moment we export our beer to more than 15 countries. Some countries have exclusivity contract, whilst others do not. If you’d like to distribute our beer in your country, then please get in touch, and we can send you a price list, and discuss samples, etc.
You can follow us on Instagram