Copenhagen Beer Celebration, Do IPA Yourself and a Happy New Year

First off, a happy New Year to everyone and thank you for the support during 2015. We’re looking forward to adding some more beers to our beer library, and getting to more festivals in 2016. Here in Sweden it’s only now starting to become really cold, which means our international contingent is missing the sun and summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Only Richard is enjoying summer in New Zealand, which makes us hate him just that little bit extra 😉
See you at the Copenhagen Beer Celebration.
We’re happy to announce that we have been invited to this year’s Copenhagen Beer Celebration, held on the 13th and 14th of May. The beers we’re taking with us are still in the works and they will be announced closer to the time. So watch this space.
For more information, follow CBC on Facebook, or get hold of your tickets here, as there’s still some available for some sessions, then we’ll see you in Copenhagen.
DIY – Do IPA Yourself
We have already mentioned this collaboration with Det Lilla Köksbryggeriet in a previous post, but the official launch is on Tuesday 12 January at BrewDog Bar Södermalm, where you can watch Köksbryggeriet and us, brew the beer live in the bar. More information will be out later this week. In the meantime you can have a look at or follow them on Facebook.
You can also follow us on Instagram