Colonial Hipster is heading to Systembolaget, our collaboration with Six Degrees North is out soon and Craft Beer in Berlin has really taken off – Weekly Brewery Update

During this week we packaged two batches of Colonial Hipster to prepare for the Systembolaget release on the 1st of September, our collaboration with Six degrees North in Edinburgh is out soon and we show that the Craft Beer thing really seems to have taken off in Berlin.
Hello Sweden.
Colonial Hipster is heading to Systembolaget.
In the beginning of June, we released Colonial Hipster, which was our 41st IPA we brewed since we started. It was very popular in the market, which is why we decided to also release it at Systembolaget here in Sweden. It fits perfectly into our 2017 strategy to release more beers at the local shop in Sweden.
Colonial Hipster, as the name suggests, is an New England style IPA. All hazy and hoppy. It’s on 6,6% ABV and this week we packaged two batches in a row, in order to prepare for the launch on the 1st of September. It will be in the usual local stores in Gothenburg, and available to order to your local store via the website or inside the store.
For those living outside of Sweden, in ”normal” countries, where you can buy alcohol from most shops as well as the producers, and who might not understand the importance of the state owned liquor store Systembolaget here in Sweden, I’ll quickly explain. Alcohol in Sweden is divided up into two groups. The first group is Low ABV beers or as we call it Folköl which is 3,5% or lower. They’re allowed to be sold in supermarkets and from the producers, if you have the correct licences. The second group is all beer over 3,6%, or as we call it Starköl. These beers can only be sold or bought at the state owned monopoly Systembolaget, which in turn cannot sell anything under 3,6%.
That is the reason the debate about cellar door sales, or gårdsförsäljning as we call it, are heating up here in Sweden. Cause Sweden is the only country in Europe where the population is not allowed to buy anything over 3,6% from the producers. This means that the Swedish public miss out on a lot of great beers from the, over 200, Swedish breweries, as not all of them release beer via the monopoly.
We for instance have brewed over 195 different beers, and managed only to release 15 of them at Systembolaget. But hopefully things will change here soon, so we can also become a ”normal” country, and sell our beer directly to the public 🙂
Sweden in Berlin.
Crafted in Sweden.
Last week I went across to Berlin, Germany for a bit of a getaway, as well as to say hi to ”Crafted in Sweden”, our Berlin distributor. At one of the pubs, down the road from our hotel, I was surprised to see so much of our beer. As always I had to buy some, it’s always great to drink your own beer in another country.
In the fridge, however, there was more than just our beer. Our Gothenburg friends Stigbergets Bryggeri, Poppels, Klackebacken was also there. All thanks to our Swedish, German importer Crafted in Sweden. If you’re in Germany and want to get hold of our beer to sell or to buy, then get in touch with them and they’ll sort you out.
We’ll also be at Stone Brewing on the 15th of October for a can event, so we’re looking forward to getting back to Berlin and meeting up. More on that later.
If you’re interested to see what the beer scene in Berlin is like, then have a look at what they were up to during the Berlin Beer Week 2017. Definitely not to be missed in 2018. Have a look at what Berlin Loves You wrote about all the events and the start up Boat Cruise on day one. We were very happy to have our beer served along with these other great names.
Bierfabrik (Berlin), BRLO (Berlin), Heidenpeters (Berlin), Stone Brewing Berlin (Berlin), Brauerei Heldenblut (Berlin), Lemke Berlin (Berlin), Motel Beer (Berlin), Pirate Brew Berlin (Berlin), Schneeeule Berlin (Berlin), Schoppe Bräu Berlin (Berlin), Straßenbräu (Berlin), Vagabund Brauerei (Berlin), LaBieratorium (Cottbus), Uerige (Düsseldorf), Kehrwieder (Hamburg), Buddelship Brauerei Hamburg (Hamburg), Freigeist Bierkultur (Köln), Kemker Brauerei (Lienen), Mikkeller HQ (Dänemark), To Øl (Dänemark), Warpigs (Dänemark), Buxton Brewery Company (England), Sori Brewing (Estland), LoverBeer (Italien), Steamworks Brewing Company (Kanada), Oedipus Brewing (Niederlande), Jopen Beer (Niederlande), Ægir Bryggeri (Norwegen), LERVIG (Norwegen), Bevog Brewery (Österreich), Browar Kingpin (Polen), BrewDog (Schottland), Beerbliotek (Schweden), Stockholm Brewing Co. (Schweden), Edge Brewing (Spanien), Cerveses La Pirata (Spanien), Mad Scientist (Ungarn), The Brooklyn Brewery (USA), Epic Brewing Company (USA), Firestone Walker Brewing Co. (USA), Rogue Ales & Spirits (USA)
Some News.
Designers in the Craft Beer Industry.
This week we decided to show some design from the Craft Beer industry in two articles that we trending online in Craft Beer Design category.
Craft beer label designs: the concepts and process.
In the growing craft beer market, breweries are making their bottles and cans stand out through colorful packaging and distinct graphic designs that draw a customer’s eye.
Brewery owners, along with their graphic designers, look for every label to embody the style of beer, as well as the name and mission of the brewery.
Labels have become a staple in the local craft beer scene, defining each brand and bringing life to beers and the stories behind them through visuals.
“People seem to be really into our designs. In the craft beer industry people can really draw into the visuals that the beer has,” said Tradition Brewing Company’s graphic designer Alaina Meadows. The brewery is in Newport News.
”We’ve had a lot of requests for posters and copies of them. I just had a request for Hull 488 as a poster.”…
Craft beer labels create a more colorful world with exhibit at Hickory Museum of Art.
Whether it’s the image of a chimpanzee in space, Abraham Lincoln breaking free from Mt. Rushmore or the elegant type from a Walt Whitman poem, craft beer labels are as unique as their ingredients.
As the industry has grown in recent years, those labels have become iconic venues for 21st century storytelling.
Local graphic design artist, Matt Everley has always been a fan of both craft beers and their labels, and for the last few years, he’s joined the growing ranks of accomplished artists who’ve combined both beer and visual art to help tell the stories of local breweries and their communities.
“I’ve always thought the Holy Grail for designers is beer labels and album covers,” Everley said…
Heather. Collaboration with 6th degrees North.
Honey Heather Saison.
Directly after the Edinburgh Craft Beer Festival this year, Richard met up with the guys from Six Degrees North to brew a collaboration. They brewed three beers with three different breweries for what they coined Foraged and Found.
The beer we brewed together is called Heather, and is a Honey Heather Saison. Personally I haven’t tried it yet, but Six Degrees North is well known for their Belgian Style Ales.
It will officially be released on the 24th of August, and we’ll see about bringing some across to sell at our Tap Room.
And finally.
The Beerbliotek Tap Room is open this weekend.
The Beerbliotek Tap Room is again open this weekend, and we know for sure that we will have some very fresh Colonial Hipster and Hip Hops available, that was packaged this week. It tasted great during packaging 🙂 The other beers available will be released during the week. Doors open on Friday 5pm and Saturday on 2pm.
During the autumn we will also be attending some festivals outside of Sweden in England, Belgium, Portugal, Norway and Germany for now. More on that later.
That’s it from us for this week, until next week.
Get hold of our beers.
Visit our Systembolaget page, to see the entire range. All of them can be bought can buy in-store at certain stores, or you can order them to your closest store via
[button size=”medium” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” font_style=”normal” font_weight=”700″ text_align=”center” text=”See Systembolaget” link=”” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#81d742″ background_color=”#81d742″ hover_background_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#81d742″ hover_border_color=”#81d742″ border_radius=”5″]
Folköl (Low ABV Beers)
On our Folköl page you can see our entire assortment, as well as the Stores & Supermarkets, such as ICA & Hemköp that stock them across Sweden. When our Tap Room is open every second weekend, you can also come past to buy them directly from us. We always have a 4-pack or 6-pack available.
[button size=”medium” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” font_style=”normal” font_weight=”700″ text_align=”center” text=”Read more” link=”/folkol” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#81d742″ background_color=”#81d742″ hover_background_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#81d742″ hover_border_color=”#81d742″ border_radius=”5″]
Have a look at the beers from our Standard Assortment, or the new beers from our Special Assortment.
If you’d like to get hold of our beers from the distributors, then get in touch, and we’ll link them up with you. If you’re keen to distribute our beer in your country, then get in touch, and we can discuss possibilities with you.
You can follow us on Instagram