Collaborations and Apprenticeships – Weekly Update

Collaborations are an integral part of our brewing philosophy. We teamed up with our friends at Det Lilla Köksbryggeri (The Small Kitchen Brewery), in this latest collaboration.
Together with Det Lilla Köksbryggeriet, we created this beer with the ultimate first-timer recipe. Brewing your own IPA is easy, but maybe not the first time. That’s why Det Lilla Köksbryggeriet exists, to help people start brewing.
You can order the DIY (Do IPA Yourself) brew kit at
Introducing Linus, our Brewery Apprentice
Working in our brewery has given us all the opportunity to meet a lot of new and interesting people. We have had some interns come and go, but at the moment we have an apprentice. Not just any apprentice. Linus is a cut above, not just because he’s a fast learner and hard worker, but because he also documents everything he sees and does. This gives those on the outside a good view into the happenings inside a brewery.
You can follow him on Facebook, or Instagram.
In his own words: ”My journey from an amateur homebrewer to a professional brewer as an apprentice at the Beerbliotek brewery. My mission is to learn the brewing industry, the craft of brewing and in the end become a master brewer.”
Get in touch with him if you want to know more about his journey.
Beerbliotek is also on Instagram