Celebrating our 200th beer – Biweekly Brewery Update

Last week we brewed our 200th beer, and celebrated by putting number 150 on the Beerbliotek Tap Room beer list over the weekend.
Still not found what you’re looking for?
When we started four and a half years ago, our vision was to build a beer library, and brew beer that we were proud to represent. Last week we brewed number 200. It’s been a fantastic journey. So many styles, designs, bottles, cans and kegs.
Number 200 is our 4th Oat Stout, and as with our journey, is called ”Still not found what you’re looking for?”
Beer number 50 was a collaboration Strong Ale between us and All In brewing called ”Ales in Wineyland”. It went into multiple barrels and we had a lot of fun during the release tasting event. Nuber 100 was a 10% Belgian Barley Wine, which we thought we’d save and age for a while, but it sold out quicker than we thought it would. Number 150 was another Barley Wine, called ”2016 is so 2015”. We did not make the same mistake with this one, and kept some boxes aside. It was actually available at our Tap Room this past weekend, for those that were lucky enough.
Number 200 has been brewed, and right off the bat we decided to send release it at Systembolaget in Sweden. But besides that, we’re looking to put a lot of this into barrels. We have two Rum barrels waiting, one for us, and one for our Member’s Club. The barrel aged versions will be exclusive, but we’re aiming to brew more than just one batch of number 200, so there will be a lot to go around. We would like everyone to be able to share in the celebration of our 200th beer.
What a weekend.
Thank you Brooklyn Brewery.
We had a great weekend at The Brooklyn Brewery Beer Mansion Gothenburg this weekend. It was a new take on festivals, with The Brooklyn Brewery attracting a different beer crowd, than what we’re used to here in Gothenburg. We want to say thanks to our friends at the other breweries Dugges Ale och Porterbryggeri, Stigbergets Bryggeri, Nya Carnegiebryggeriet and E.C. Dahls Bryggeri that joined us for the two nights.
We hope this will be a yearly event.
A Moment of Clarity. GBG Beer Week 2017.
Get it into your local Systembolaget.
GBG Beer Week is a grassroots driven initiative. For the people, by the people. Which is why we wanted to celebrate the diversity of the Gothenburg beer scene by creating a beer that is very drinkable and accessible to everyone.
We think this is one of the best beers we’ve brewed and we’re aiming to get this beer into more stores in Sweden, but as with everything in life, money talks. The more we sell, the more stores we may get. If you live in Sweden, buy some for yourself and some for your friends and in time this beer might be on your shelf regularly.
Have a look at what other think about it on Ratebeer or Untappd.
Some News.
German waiter breaks world record for carrying beer.
A German waiter broke the world record he helped set for carrying full steins of beer. 29-year old Oliver Strümpfel managed to carry 29 steins, weighing a whopping 70kg (154 lbs), for 40 meters (131 ft) at a country fair in Bavaria at the weekend. He smashed his previous record of 25 steins.
Strümpfel said he’d been training four times a week in the gym since February to get in shape for the stein-lifting. “That is awesome when I think that is 200 hours all for the 40 seconds I just ran,” he said.
He’s not done though, and plans to show up at next year’s fair and beat his own record again.
New collaboration brewing.
Stay Tuned.
There’s an existing new collaboration brewing for one of Gothenburg’s best music venues. Stay tuned for more about that later.
And finally.
Could I have a generous pour?
This past weekend we also launched our latest Pale Ale ”A Generous Pour” at our Tap Room. We’ve added Lemon Peel, as well as some lactose in it just to enhance the mouthfeel.
That’s it from us for this week. Until next week.
Get hold of our beers.
Visit our Systembolaget page, to see the entire range. All of them can be bought can buy in-store at certain stores, or you can order them to your closest store via Systembolaget.se.
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Folköl (Low ABV Beers)
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Have a look at the beers from our Standard Assortment, or the new beers from our Special Assortment.
If you’d like to get hold of our beers from the distributors, then get in touch, and we’ll link them up with you. If you’re keen to distribute our beer in your country, then get in touch, and we can discuss possibilities with you.
You can follow us on Instagram