Berliners, Collaborations and a Merry Christmas

In the past week, we have launched 3 new collaborations, and also the first two of our new Berliner range. We also hope you have stocked up on ”Christmas Nights”, our Spiced Porter.
It’s worth buying a few extra to keep, as they will age very well, and it’s always fun to compare different ages of the same beer over time. We will be doing a Christmas Nights every year, as it stands now, so you’ll have the possibility to try them side-by-side.
Our first two Berliners
The official style is called Berliner Weisse, but for short, some people refer to them simply as Berliners. These are the first two in our new range of Berliners, where we’ve also launched a new playful label and illustration style, to show off this great style of beer. We hope you like them 🙂
The base recipe is from a Berliner we’re looking to take to Systembolaget early next year called ”Berliner Wise-guy”, but more on that later.
They will be available in very limited numbers at bars and restaurants.
I Lost my Cherry by the Salty Sea
In the first one we’ve added sour cherries, along with salt and pepper. The text on the label reads as follows: There comes a time in everyone’s life when they lose something they can never get back. This beer is dedicated to everyone who has suffered such a loss.
A Passion for Gingers
The second one has, as the name suggests Passion Fruit and Ginger in the recipe. On this one the label text reads as follows: Not everyone who loves gingers loves ginger, but ginger lovers who do love gingers, love them with a passion. This beer is dedicated to our friends Bobbi and Steven.
Blöta Lövet Session IPA collaboration with The Red Lion
When we’re looking for an English Style pub in Gothenburg, then we don’t often get further than The Red Lion, or as we call it, Lion. Great pub food and a very decent tap assortment.
They were at our Sockerbruket brewery with us when we brewed this beer, which they called Blöta Lövet, loosely translated as Wet Leaf. It is the second batch we’ve brewed, after brewing it last year, so it looks like it is already a favourite at Lion.
We even had a launch party for this beer last Friday, with our Swedish Sales rep, Henrik Bengtsson, on the turntables playing some tunes. A great night was had by all.
Read more information on their website, or follow them on Facebook if you’d like English pub food or to taste Blöta Lövet.
Kungslardugårds Session IPA collaboration with Tapasbaren
There’s not much to say about Tapasbaren, except that they have fantastic tapas, a really great wine assortment and the service is always friendly. Now they also have their own beer available on tap called Kungslardugårds Session IPA.
For us at the brewery they have always been a home away from home, because we’ve all lived in the same area, and they are close to both breweries. Highly recommended.
Read more information on their website, or follow them on Facebook if you’d like eat some tapas, and drink some Session IPA.
Min Farsas IPA collaboration with Ölstugan Tullen
Ölstugan Tullen is a chain of bars in Gothenburg that has grown rapidly over the past two years. Their key has been to only sell Swedish beer, or beer from Swedish breweries. This means we can get American Pale Ales into the mix. They also only sell Swedish style food only, and have a great wine list if you’re not into beer.
They joined us at our Sockerbruket brewery to brew this IPA, which will be available at all five of their bars into the foreseeable future. They called the beer Min farsas IPA, which if loosely translated, means My Old man’s IPA.
To taste it, see which bar is closest to you by reading more information on their website, or follow them on Facebook.
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From all of us at Beerbliotek, we wish you a merry Christmas, and all the best wishes for a great 2016.
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