Beerbiblioteket. If that is your real name? – Weekly Update

One of the questions we’re asked a lot is where our name comes from. The short answer is that Richard and Adam were drinking beer when they came up with the name. In pubs are where most great ideas come from as I’m sure you’re well aware. In this instance though, the pub looked like a library inside and because both are bilingual, English & Swedish, the word Beerbliotek was created quite naturally from the Swedish word for library, bibliotek and the english word beer.
So if a library is a collection of books, then a Beerbliotek is a collection of beer. That’s why we have always aimed to brew new beers all the time, to fill up our beer library. Just in this past week we brewed our 161st different beer, which equals to about one new beer every week since we started three years ago.
The word Beerbliotek, however, has not come without it’s own set of challenges here in the north. The pronunciation is similar to the Swedish word ”bibliotek”, and since we now added the word ”beer” into the mix, we’ve heard all kinds of variations on the theme. Beerbibliotek is the most common one of the lot. We can imagine that Xerox had the same issues when they started, if not worse.
But, being us, we’ve always had a lot of fun with the word and sometimes with the people who struggled with this tongue twister. We also get our fair share of jokes, whenever we’re out drinking beer, along with some great stories from the bartenders, who has served our beer over the years and seem to have a lot of fun with their customers who just can’t seem to pronounce B-E-E-R-B-L-I-O-T-E-K. Even hashtags on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook seem to have a life all their own. Here’s the two we have to check regularly, #beerbibliotek #beerblioteket 🙂
That’s why we decided to mix things up a little more and create a beer called ”Beerbiblioteket. If that is your real name?”. It’s an IPA on a wholesome 6,0% and we hope you’ll love it.
This is our 160th beer, and without going to look at our beer database, our 35th IPA if you exclude DIPA, BIPA, Session IPAs.
It’s being released this coming week, and before you ask, no it’s not going to Systembolaget, and won’t be available in bottles. This beer you can only have on tap at the regular pubs that sell our beer. And remember, as for it by name, B-E-E-R-B-I-B-L-I-O-T-E-K-E-T.
Following up from the past two weeks, we’ve decided to show two more videos from our canning line. The first one is when the filled cans, in this case Hip Hops, gets the tops added to them. They go through the process four at a time. The foam from the fill is just spilling over.
The second video shows the most important part of the entire process, when the top is sealed onto the can. This sealing process was one of the main reasons we chose Wild Goose Canning as our supplier.
[blockquote text=”Hip Hops contains a combination of what we consider to be the current “Hipster Hops”. ” show_quote_icon=”yes” width=”100″]
The beer you can see in the videos is Hip Hops, which is number 49 in our range of beer. It’s also one of the beers after Bobek Citra which we have brewed the most, as it is in our standard assortment. While we’re discussing names, Hip Hops was named so, because it contains a combination of what we consider to be the current “Hipster Hops”. It has a clean malt profile of Pale Malt and Carapils which leaves a crisp clean finish, allowing the hops to really shine.
Hip Hops has also gone through quite a few design changes. In the start it was the old bridge label, which then changed to the new profile, before going from a bottle, into a can.
[blockquote text=”First time trying one of #beerbliotek #beers and am not disappointed! A fruity IPA which is all about the #grapefruit for me 🙂 – peterrwalls (” show_quote_icon=”yes” width=”100″]
As I mentioned, we have done quite a few IPAs, and even if Hip Hops is number 49 in our beer library, it was only the 10th IPA we have ever brewed. Below you can see which the other ones were, and maybe you can remember if you have even tasted them.
[blockquote text=”Just finished a pretty big assignment. Time for some #HipsterHops !! Hip hops from @beerbliotek is a easy drinkable 6,0% abv American IPA. With a light and chrisp malt body. It has a delicious blend of American ”Hipster hops”. Nice and refreshing in the sun! – hopdaddydk (” show_quote_icon=”yes” width=”100″]
As with all of our beers, Hip Hops also goes out of the brewery in kegs, and even if we love it in the can, we appreciate it when we can get hold of it in a pub on tap.
One of the reason we’re canning some of our beers are because of their compact size and lower weight, 67% less if you would like to be specific. Cans cost less than bottles to ship, as you can see in this photo from @flour_and_flavour.
These savings on shipping costs help us to expand our brand into new markets, which means we can get more cans into more customers’ hands.
We hope you enjoyed that little dig at ourselves and our name, and even the trip down Hip Hops memory lane? Next week we have the launch of another new collaboration and depending what happens in the brewery this week, even our latest Berliner. More on that next week.
Just a reminder, don’t forget to enter our #FreshestCanInTheLand competition.
We hope you’re having a great weekend
Cheers from us
#FreshestCanInTheLand #Competition
Compete in our freshest can in the land competition and stand a chance to win tickets to the All in Beer Festival.
[button icon=”” target=”_self” hover_type=”default” text_align=”center” link=”” text=”Read more…” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e73be” background_color=”#1e73be” hover_background_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#1e73be” hover_border_color=”#1e73be”]
[instagram-feed type=hashtag hashtag=”#freshestcanintheland” num=6 cols=3 showcaption=false]
All in Beer Festival 4-5 November 2016
One of our favourite festivals is the All In Beer Fest. The reason? It’s just about beer.
We’ll be attending again this year, but if you’d like to attend, then there’s two ways to go about it. Buy a ticket, or enter our #FreshestCanInTheLand competition, where you stand the chance to win two entrance tickets.
Finding our beers in Sweden
Have a look at our Systembolaget page, where you’ll find a map that features the stores that have our beers on their shelves. If you live in other parts of Sweden, then you can follow this link to order the beers directly from to your closest store.
Folköl (Low ABV Beers)
Visit our Folköl page if you’d like to find out which Stores & Supermarkets, such as ICA & Hemköp stock our low ABV or “folköl” across Sweden.
You can also follow us on Instagram