Beer Release #292. Muck – New England DIPA .

Collaboration with
Apex Brewing Company.
This collaboration with our friends at Apex is an over the top New England Double IPA, turned up to 11. The result is a sweet and super fruity beer, with sweaty peaches, tinned fruit salad and bruised pineapple. Silky on the lips, with a lusciously thick mouthfeel ending with a super balanced bitterness.
Text on the label. Murky. Dirty. Matt. Hazy. Grumlig. Cloudy. Misty. Oklar. Dim. Gunk. Gloop. Tjock. Grunge. Sludge. New England DIPA. Muck. Get grimy at & @apexbrewingcompany
Style New England DIPA
ABV 8,2%