Beer release #228. Not all Doom & Gloom, a new Low ABV Porter

Not all doom and gloom
As the hottest Swedish summer in memory comes to an end, and Autumn slowly prepares to walk us into the Eternal Darkness of winter, it’s time to reflect upon the year so far, and realise it’s not all doom and gloom.
This Porter has all the roastiness you’d expect, but much easier to drink, because of the low ABV of 4,5%
Since we started we have done no less than seven Porters, from a Smoked Porter to a Brown Session Porter, all with a range of different flavours and alcohol levels. The highest was Normansland, on 11,3% with this latest one, Not all Doom & Gloom the lowest on 4,5%
Brew date: 2018-09-05
Style: Porter
Alc: 4,5%
We are Beerbliotek
A Craft Brewery founded in Gothenburg (Sweden) by four friends from different parts of the world. Our brewing philosophy is simple… keep brewing new beers that we, ourselves, would want to drink.
Our name is derived from the Latin word bibliothēca, meaning library, or a collection of books. A Beerbliotek, for us, would then mean a beer library, or a collection of beer.