Axel Hagman, who has the best flavour palate out of all of us

This week we’re catching up with Axel Hagman, who first appeared at Beerbliotek way back in Season 2, 2014. He made his way here starting out as an apprentice whilst studying Brewing technology, we liked him so much that he was hired immediately after and has become a mainstay in our brewery line up.
Axel is just your usual everyday super talented brewer. His excellent palate, keen knowledge of ingredients and attention to detail make him invaluable to our production team. The occasional lapse in judgement has resulted in hop and yeast showers and a few hours spent cleaning but that has only given the rest of us a great laugh. When he is not slaving away making beer for you thirsty lot, you will often find Axel hanging out, talking beer and mead at some of the wonderful bars in Gothenburg.

Hej Axel, when you’re not drinking beer, what are you drinking?
Mead or soda. I enjoy flavours and smells. I think that’s why I started with beer. I didn’t drink beer when I was younger, Lagers weren’t my thing, so it was Coke and Cider for me, and of course Julmust around Christmas.
So what got you into Craft Beer?
I started drinking beer when I found a beer by Mohawk Brewing that I liked, called Extra India Pale Ale, as back then I had a mohawk. In the last two years I’ve started to drink Lagers. Now I prefer lower ABV beers, like our Here comes the sun, but I do enjoy a Barley Wine, just not everyday.
Are those the styles you prefer to design?
Most of our recipes are designed to be low ABV. My recipes are either that or something big that can mature. Because that is the beer that I want to drink. We’ve taken the time to figure things out and plan new directions too. We’re getting a small brew kit so I’m going to try out more experimental recipes and diverse styles.

What’s coming up in the brewery?
Next week we are brewing a Black IPA, we’ve not brewed that style in a couple of years. The Mild was fun to brew too, as it was Beerbliotek first, we’re calling it Mild Mannered. We are a brewery that involves the whole brewery team in all the processes, and we want to become better while making beers that we ourselves want to drink, not just IPA’s with different hops in it. It’s a good way to learn and figure out new flavours and how to fit them together.
What do you hope for the future for Craft Beer?
As a brewer, for better quality. and more diversity. Like Suarez Family Brewery, about 90% of their beers are different kinds of Lagers. No IPA’s.
Consumer wise, similar – I want to enjoy a high quality beer, that is something different, and has been made with a lot of heart and care.
When you’re not dreaming about beer, what are you dreaming about?
I don’t dream very much…I enjoy cooking and trying out new flavours, travelling, reading books and hanging out with friends.

Wherever you are in the world, you can keep a lookout on our social media to learn more about our upcoming beers – Instagram & Facebook
And if you’re in Sweden, you can try one of Axel’s low abv beers, Here comes the sun, and more, here.