A fresh batch of Raspberry Wheat is packaged and ready – Weekly Update

Now that we’re moving closer to Christmas and the cold here up north in Sweden, we always try and remember the warm days of summer. Which is why we brewed our Raspberry Wheat Pale Ale. A fresh batch has been packaged today, just in time to be shipped to Systembolaget, in time for Christmas.
Thank you to everyone that has bought our Christmas Nights, Spiced Porter, which went on sale December 1. We have restocked the shelves, and although you can order it to your closest store in Sweden, it will be available on the shelves in the following stores in Gothenburg, Kungstorget, Linnégatan, Karl Johansgatan, Eriksberg, Nordstan, Gårda, Avenyn, Backaplan, Kappelplatsen and Olskroken.
And as always, don’t forget that our other beers are still available to order to your closest Systembolaget.
Raspberry Wheat
5,5% – Fruit Pale Ale
We ferment this Pale Ale with a massive amount of Raspberries. With 30% Wheat in the malt bill, it has a slight sourness we think works nicely with the Raspberry aroma.